How to Recertify for Medicaid

Medicaid is a government program that provides millions of Americans with health coverage and other benefits including nursing home care. The recipients of Medicaid include the elderly, disabled and low-income adults, pregnant women and qualifying children. Many of the services provided by Medicaid, such as doctor or hospital visits, nursing home stays and medicine, are invaluable to the people who receive them.

If you rely on Medicaid for essential services, it’s important to remember you need to recertify every year in order to keep receiving benefits. Although the recertification process is not as difficult and time-consuming as the initial application, it takes work and will require the production of certain financial documents. You’ll want to pay careful attention when filling out the recertification application.

Why do I need to recertify?

There are three reasons you need to recertify to receive Medicaid each year. The first reason is to show you are still alive, and the second is to prove you still require Medicaid services. The third reason is to prove you are still financially eligible to receive Medicaid services. In order to prove you are financially eligible, you will have to provide documentation regarding your income and assets.

You will also need to complete a recertification Medicaid application, which can be complex, It is recommended you hire an attorney or professional for assistance. When preparing your Medicaid recertification application, it’s vital you are careful and thorough, since a mistake could mean you’re denied coverage. At the Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan, our clients are offered the opportunity to enroll in our MMP or Medicaid Maintenance Program. Contact us directly for more information.

Avoid being denied coverage

Unfortunately, there are a variety of reasons that Medicaid recertification requests are denied. Understanding some of those reasons can help you avoid making mistakes on your recertification application. Below are the most common reasons that Medicaid recertification requests are denied:

  • Missing documentation. Requests are often denied because applicants fail to provide the supporting documentation that’s required.
  • No longer medically qualified. You need to supply a dated and signed statement from a physician to prove you still qualify.
  • Too much money. Having too much money usually isn’t a problem, but for Medicaid recipients, a government benefit geared towards low-income and vulnerable populations, it will be.
  • Slow to respond. If you are missing documents or information on your application, Medicaid may ask you to supply the missing information quickly. If you are too slow to respond, you risk having your application denied.
  • A mistake by the Medicaid case worker. Medicaid workers sometimes make mistakes. If you believe an error was made when reviewing your application, contact an attorney for help.

If you make a mistake on your application and are denied, you can appeal your case with the help of a knowledgeable attorney.

Contact an experienced Medicaid attorney today

If you or a loved one needs help recertifying for Medicaid, the Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan has over 50 years of combined experience in elder law and estate administration. We understand the difficulties of being denied Medicaid services, and take pride in offering our clients compassionate and comprehensive legal aid. Call us today at 407-977-8080 or contact us online.


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