Virtual Workshops

What To Do When Someone Dies

At this workshop we will review the step-by-step process you need to know before and after losing a loved one, which includes: pre-need funeral planning, the probate and estate administration

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Loving Without A License

Loving Without a License – An Estate Planning Survival Guide for Unmarried Couples and Same Sex Partners explores the unique estate planning challenges of unmarried couples and same sex partners

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Retirement Planning

This complimentary workshop is a MUST for all clients approaching age 70 1⁄2. We will discuss in detail the “Stretch IRA,” including recent changes implemented by the IRS. Even if

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Opportunities In Estate Planning

This course is specifically designed to teach professional advisors how to utilize proven, cutting-edge estate planning techniques while becoming a leader in the impending transfer of wealth from generation to

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Planning For Your Pet

Animal companions… your pets… “your children.” Whatever you call them, they are dearly loved family members. Our pets come in all shapes and sizes — from horses to hamsters, from

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Planning For Your Pet (Online)

This workshop is intended to provide an overview of Veteran’s benefits to help you understand the eligibility criteria and benefits available to qualifying Veterans. We will explore medical benefits, service-connected

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The Truth About Medicaid Planning

As our society continues to age, one of the greatest concerns of the elderly, as well as their friends, family members, and other loved ones is they may need nursing

Truth About Estate Planning

This complimentary and interactive workshop is designed to educate families about general estate planning principles, the federal estate and gift tax structures, and the importance of implementing and maintaining estate

What to Do When Someone Dies

At this workshop we will review the step-by-step process you need to know before and after losing a loved one, which includes: pre-need funeral planning, the probate and estate administration

Special People, Special Planning

Based on the book Special People, Special Planning – Creating a Safe Legal Haven for Families with Special Needs, this workshop explores concerns related to creating a financial and legal

Women in Transition

Based on the book, Women in Transition: Navigating the Legal and Financial Challenges in your Life, this workshop focuses on every woman as she moves from one phase of life to another.

Truth About Veterans Benefits Planning

All My Children

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Estate Administration

Decedent Remains

Who Decides What Happens To Your Final Remains? Who makes the final decision regarding the disposition of a decedent’s remains? It is important to note

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