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A Good Deed Gone Wrong

Bob and Suzy get divorced. Suzy has an adult child, Annie, from a prior relationship. As part of the marital settlement agreement, Bob is supposed to sign a deed conveying his interest in their homestead to Suzy. Suzy is supposed to get a new home loan in her individual name.

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Estate Planning for People Under 40

Most people under the age of 40 consider estate planning something to be done “someday”. They hope that they will live a long and healthy life. The reality is there are no guarantees. Your estate plan is similar to a hurricane preparedness plan. You should have one in place so when the storm or disaster strikes, you are ready.

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Estate Planning Documents You Need Now!

With summer quickly approaching, if you are preparing to travel, don’t forget these important legal documents you need to include in your suitcase. We never think an accident or illness will happen while away from home. Are you prepared? There are two legal documents you will want to have a copy of in case of an emergency.

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How Should I Own My Florida Homestead Property?

A commonly asked question is, “Should I own my homestead in my trust?” Generally, the answer is, “No.” This is not because of your ad valorem homestead exemption or even your Constitutional protection from the claims of creditors. It is not because we don’t want you to avoid probate.

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A Tale of Two Bad Outcomes – Why Unmarried Couples Need Estate Planning

Bob and Kate are an unmarried couple, neither of whom have children, and who live together in a home owned by Bob, individually. Let’s say Bob dies. The good news is he has a signed will. The bad news is he prepared the will himself, without consulting an attorney. The will leaves his home to Kate, who intends to continue living there just as she has for many years.

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Five Fast Facts About Trusts

What is a trust? Anytime legal terms start to be used, it is easy to get confused, especially with words that have other meanings in our day to day conversations. In this instance, a trust is a legal entity, similar to a corporation, which can own assets like bank accounts and real estate.

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The Importance of Disability Planning

For many, the New Year comes with New Year’s resolutions. If you have not completed your estate planning, or have not updated your planning in some time, doing so would be a good resolution to have. You might be surprised to know, estate planning does not simply mean having a plan for what happens in the case of your death.

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Estate Planning and Your Business

When you own and operate a business, your Buy-Sell Agreement is probably the last thing on your mind. It’s something your business attorney drafted years ago and most likely you have not thought about it since. Or, maybe you don’t have one at all! Just like your personal estate planning, having an estate plan for your business is very important.

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